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Загвар:Инфобокс эрдэмтэн/doc

Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь

Энэ бол заавар, категори, эсвэл бусад мэдээлэл техникийн зориулалтаар хадгалагддаг зааврын дэд хуудас юм. Загвар хуудсыг нь үзэхийг хүсвэл, Загвар:Инфобокс эрдэмтэн-ийг үзнэ үү.

Инфобокс эрдэмтэн-ийг эрдэмтэн, эмч, инженер, математикч, академийн гишүүдийн тухай товч мэдээлэл оруулахдаа ашиглаж болно.

Хэрэглээ[кодоор засварлах]

Төрсөн огноо{{{birth_date}}}
Нас барсан огноо{{{death_date}}}
Оршин суугаа улс{{{residence}}}
Төгссөн сургууль{{{alma_mater}}}
Эрдмийн ажлын зөвлөх{{{doctoral_advisor}}}
Эрдмийн бусад зөвлөх{{{academic_advisors}}}
Эрдэмтэн шавь нар{{{doctoral_students}}}
Бусад нэр хүндтэй шавь{{{notable_students}}}
Алдаршсан зүйл{{{known_for}}}
Юу нөлөөлсөн{{{influenced}}}
Нэр хүндтэй шагналууд{{{awards}}}
Зохиогчийн товчлол (ургамал судлал){{{author_abbrev_bot}}}
Зохиогчийн товчлол (амьтан судлал){{{author_abbrev_zoo}}}
Шашны байр суурь{{{religion}}}
Гарын үсэг
[[Image:{{{signature}}}|128px|alt={{{signature_alt}}}|{{{name}}}'s signature]]
{{Инфобокс эрдэмтэн
|box_width         =
|name              =
|image             = <!--(filename only)-->
|image_size        =
|alt               =
|caption           =
|birth_date        =
|birth_place       =
|death_date        =
|death_place       =
|residence         =
|citizenship       =
|nationality       =
|ethnicity         =
|fields            =
|workplaces        =
|alma_mater        =
|doctoral_advisor  =
|academic_advisors =
|doctoral_students =
|notable_students  =
|known_for         =
|author_abbrev_bot =
|author_abbrev_zoo =
|influences        =
|influenced        =
|awards            =
|religion          =
|signature         = <!--(filename only)-->
|signature_alt     =
|footnotes         =

Parameters[кодоор засварлах]

Any/all parameters optional. (If no name provided, the infobox defaults to the article's name.)

Parameter Explanation
box_width Use to set infobox's width (defaults to 26em).
name Insert name of scientist, mathematician or engineer. Note: Do not add icons or other images.
image Filename of appropriate image.
image_size Image's width (defaults to 225x250px).
alt Image alt text, for visually impaired readers. See WP:ALT.
caption Image caption. If known, include date the image made and/or creator.
birth_date Scientist's date of birth.
birth_place Place of birth (e.g. town/city, region, country).
death_date Date of death.
death_place Place of death (e.g. town/city, region, country).
residence Place or places where the scientist lived (for significant periods).
citizenship Scientist's citizenship.
nationality Use if nationality not the same as citizenship above.
ethnicity Use only if known and documented.
fields Scientist's major occupation field (physicist, chemist, biologist, mathematician, engineer, etc.)
workplaces Key work places, universities, companies, etc.
alma_mater University or universities where scientist obtained their degree or degrees.
doctoral_advisor Name of scientist's doctoral advisor, if applicable.
academic_advisors Names of any significant educational advisors (other than doctoral advisor).
doctoral_students Names of any notable doctoral students advised by the scientist.
notable_students Names of any notable non-doctoral students advised by the scientist.
known_for Key topics/areas of study in which the scientist notable.
author_abbrev_bot If a scientist is the author of a botanical species, insert their botanical author abbreviation here.
author_abbrev_zoo If a scientist is the author of a zoological species, insert their zoological author abbreviation here.
influences Any notable people who influenced the scientist significantly.
influenced Any notable people significantly influenced by the scientist.
awards Notable awards/prizes received by the scientist.
religion Religious beliefs.
signature Filename of an image of the scientist's signature (if available).
signature_alt Alt text for signature.
footnotes For any footnotes needed to clarify entries above.

Example[кодоор засварлах]

See Isaac Newton for a fancier example.

Загвар:Infobox scientist

{{Infobox scientist
|name        = Paul Dirac
|image       = Dirac.gif
|image_size = 140px
|alt         =
Head of man in his thirties with tousled hair sticking up and a small mustache
|caption     = <!--(not needed as image is straightforward portrait)-->
|birth_date  = {{birth date|1902|8|8|mf=y}}
|birth_place = [[Bristol]], [[England]]
|death_date  = {{death date and age|1984|10|20|1902|8|8}}
|death_place = [[Tallahassee]], [[Florida]], [[United States|USA]]
|residence   = [[United Kingdom]]
<br/>[[United States]]
|nationality = [[United Kingdom]]
|fields      = [[Physicist]] ([[Theoretical physics|theoretical]])
|workplaces  = [[University of Cambridge|Cambridge University]]
<br/>[[Florida State University]]
|alma_mater  = [[University of Bristol]]
<br/>[[University of Cambridge|Cambridge University]]
|doctoral_advisor  = [[Ralph Fowler]]
|doctoral_students = [[Homi J. Bhabha|Homi Bhabha]]
<br/>[[Harish-Chandra|Harish Chandra Mehrotra]]
<br/>[[Denis Sciama|Dennis Sciama]]
<br/>[[Behram Kurşunoğlu]]
<br/>[[John Polkinghorne]]
<br/> [[Per-Olov Löwdin]]
|known_for   = Seminal contributions to
<br/>[[quantum mechanics]]
|awards      = [[Nobel Prize in Physics]] (1933)
|footnotes   =

Extended Guidelines for Template Use[кодоор засварлах]

box_width[кодоор засварлах]

This is most commonly set to 300px, which is recommended. Smaller widths tend to not allow enough space for the fields and often result in too much line wrap-around. The nowrap command is useful when some long names appear in the fields.

name[кодоор засварлах]

This is the name that scientist was usually known by. Do not put the full expanded name here.

image[кодоор засварлах]

This is the portrait or photo of the scientist. If there is a choice between good images, chose the one from a period where the scientist's work flourished. Avoid photos where the scientist was a child or very elderly, unless there is nothing else available.

image_size[кодоор засварлах]

This is normally set to 300px, but should be reduced appropriately if the resolution of the photo is poor.

alt[кодоор засварлах]

This should describe only the visual appearance of the image, for visually-impaired readers. It should not repeat the caption. See WP:ALT.

caption[кодоор засварлах]

The caption should contain the full expanded name of the scientist, year or birth and death, if available, and any relevant details about the photo or portrait.

birth_date[кодоор засварлах]

Birth date of scientist. Use the full formatting that computes the scientist's age.

birth_place[кодоор засварлах]

Birth place of scientist. Put town/city followed by country.

death_date[кодоор засварлах]

Death date of scientist. Use the full formatting that computes the scientists age.

death_place[кодоор засварлах]

Death place of scientist. Put town/city followed by country. Note: this is the place where the person died, which might be different from burial place.

residence[кодоор засварлах]

List countries only. Put a line break after each one. These are places where the scientist lived for significant periods. The intention is that these are countries of domicile. Do not include countries where the scientist temporarily resided for brief collaboration or study leave.

citizenship[кодоор засварлах]

List countries only. Put a line break after each one. This is the scientist's citizenship, which often can be different from country of domicile or residency.

nationality[кодоор засварлах]

List country only. Only insert this if it is different from citizenship.

ethnicity[кодоор засварлах]

Put the ethnicity of the scientist, provided it is well documented. An example is if the scientist resides and is born in Germany, but is from Polish parentage, then insert 'Polish' to make this clear. If however, for example, the scientist is of English ethnicity and born in England, then leave this blank as it is an unnecessary duplication.

fields[кодоор засварлах]

This is the occupation field, e.g. mathematician, physicist, surgeon, physician, engineer etc. Do not put 'scientist' as it is not specific enough. You can insert more than one occupation if the scientist worked in different fields.

workplaces[кодоор засварлах]

List the key work places, universities, companies, organizations etc. that the scientist worked at. The intention is to not list minor places that the scientist performed collaborative visits at. The intention is to list places where the scientist was officially appointed with a payroll (ie. don't list places that represent adjunct appointments).

alma_mater[кодоор засварлах]

List the universities where the scientist obtained all his/her degrees from. In anomalous cases where a degree was carried out remotely or in a different university to the university that administered the degree, insert the administering university. The main article can then discuss the specific situation.

doctoral_advisor[кодоор засварлах]

If the scientist obtained a PhD, insert the doctoral advisor(s). Otherwise leave blank.

academic_advisors[кодоор засварлах]

Insert names of significant academic teachers other than the doctoral advisor: e.g. Master's advisor, postdoctoral supervisor, significant undergraduate mentor/teacher etc. In Cambridge, before 1919, there was no PhD and so you can insert the relevant Cambridge tutor.

doctoral_students[кодоор засварлах]

Insert names of doctoral students supervised by the scientist. If a student does not have a wiki article, then comment the name out. It can be reinstated once such an article appears. The idea is to list only those students who are significant enough to warrant their own article.

notable_students[кодоор засварлах]

Insert names of any notable non-doctoral students taught or supervised by the scientist. These can be undergraduates, postdocs, masters students etc. If a student does not have a wiki article, then comment the name out.

known_for[кодоор засварлах]

Insert the key topics/areas for which the scientist is notable, e.g. 'discovering the electron'. In the case of prolific scientists, preferably list the discoveries named after the scientist, e.g. 'Maxwell's equations'. In the case where a scientist is so prolific that a whole wiki article listing the discoveries exists, then you may insert a simple link to that page with the words 'see list'.

author_abbrev_bot[кодоор засварлах]

If a scientist is the author of a botanical species, insert their botanical author abbreviation here. Otherwise leave blank.

author_abbrev_zoo[кодоор засварлах]

If a scientist is the author of a zoological species, insert their zoological author abbreviation here. Otherwise leave blank.

influences[кодоор засварлах]

List names of any notable people who influenced the scientist significantly. The intention is to only list those influences that had physical contact with the scientist. Do not insert those influences that were not in person (e.g. via study of works or books) as this is more tenuous and there are generally too many for each scientist. Only list those who are notable enough to warrant a wiki article.

influenced[кодоор засварлах]

List names of any notable people who were significantly influenced by the scientist. The intention is to only list those that were influenced by physical contact with the scientist. Only list those who are notable enough to warrant a wiki article.

awards[кодоор засварлах]

List major awards. Put year of award in brackets after name of award. Insert a line break after each award. Avoid awards that are not significant enough to withstand their own wiki article description.

religion[кодоор засварлах]

Insert the religion of the scientist, under the following guidelines:

  • The religion field must be left blank if it cannot be demonstrated with a reference that the scientist identified him/her self with a particular belief system. In some cases, self-identification may not be necessary if the religious stance is clear from other factors, example: as with Gregor Mendel who was a Catholic monk.
  • The religion field must be left blank if the scientist was only nominally connected to a religion. Example: references show that Catholicism played a major role in the life of Augustin Louis Cauchy, whereas Enrico Fermi was only a nominal Catholic. Therefore in the case of Fermi it should be left blank.
  • The religion field must be left blank if there are no suitable labels to describe the case where a scientist espouses a non-standard belief system or where reliable sources give conflicting accounts of the religious stance of a particular scientist. However, in such cases where the main article has a referenced section on the scientist's religious stance, then the religion field should state "see main article". Example: see Albert Einstein.
  • In cases where a scientist does not subscribe to a particular doctrinal tradition, but where references exist that indicate relevant philosophical or religious leanings, such as subscribing to Platonistic (ie. dualistic) thinking, materialism, logical positivism etc. or not, these are appropriate for this field. Example: Roger Penrose.
  • In the null case, where it is documented that the scientist is an atheist, the "atheist" label can be entered in the religion field to clearly indicate to the reader that there is no religion in this case. Example: Paul Dirac.
  • Ideally the religion field should be used when the religion of the scientist is discussed in the article. However, for many articles "in progress", without the relevant discussion, the religion field can be entered if it is accompanied by a reliable reference.

signature[кодоор засварлах]

Filename of an image of the scientist's handwritten signature (if available).

signature_alt[кодоор засварлах]

Alt text for the signature. Typically this is just the text of the signature, e.g., "Is. Newton" for File:Isaac Newton signature.svg.

footnotes[кодоор засварлах]

For any footnotes needed to clarify entries above. This section is also often used to add extra notable items, typically, if the scientist is a relative of another person with a wiki article.

common errors to avoid[кодоор засварлах]

  • Always copy and paste the infobox template from here, not another article, in order to guarantee the full correct version.