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Хэрэглэгчийн яриа:Ganbat

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Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь

Тавтай морилно уу!

Сайн байна уу, Ganbat, Википедиад тавтай морил! Таныг Монгол Википедиад их хувь нэмэр оруулна гэдэгт гүнээ итгэж байна. Шинээр элсэгчдэд хэрэг болж мэдэх холбоосууд:

Таны Викичин байх алтан шар зам өлзийтэй байх болтугай! Хэлэлцүүлгийн хуудсууд дээр нэрээ үлдээхдээ дөрвөн долгионыг (~~~~) ашиглахаа мартав; ингэснээр таны нэр ба бичсэн он сар өдөр автоматаар тэнд бичигдэх юм. Хэрэв танд тусламж хэрэгтэй бол Wikipedia:Хурал хуудсанд юм уу миний хэлэлцүүлгийн хуудас дээр асуултаа асуу. Эсвэл {{Туслаач}} гэсэн кодыг өөрийнхөө хэлэлцүүлгийн хуудас дээр байрлуулж болно. Хэн нэгэн таны асуултанд төд удалгүй хариулах болно. Тавтай морил!

--Jose77 20:59, 23 Наймдугаар сар 2006 (UTC)[хариулах]

ta bid 2 l oird endhiin zochin ni bolj baih shig bainaa. baga bagaar nemeh zasah yumaa hiigeed artice-nhaa toog yadaj 500 hurgechih yumsan daa tee. ta ingehed ooriinho taniltsuulgiig hiiigeech ho.

Administrator application[кодоор засварлах]

Greetings Ganbat!

I have placed your name here. --Jose77 03:34, 28 Есдүгээр сар 2006 (UTC)[хариулах]

Congratulations Ganbat, your sysop application has been approved be a wikipedian Bureaucrat, hence you are now an Administrator on Mongol wiki.
(To translate the "Системийн мессеж", go Here.

Regards --Jose77 04:44, 12 Тавдугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

Монгол Википедиагийн логог солиулах хүсэлтийг [1] хуудсанд тавилаа. Үүнийг дэмжье гэвэл, Edit дээр дараад, "As another administrator of Mongolian Wikipedia, I second this request, ~~~~" гэж оруулна уу. Chinneeb 07:04, 30 Тавдугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

W/w/w/w/w/w/ тэй хуудаснууд[кодоор засварлах]

Ийм хуудаснуудыг арилгахынхаа өмнө тэр хуудсыг нь үүсгэсэн хэрэглэгчдийг түгжчихээрэй. Тэгвэл ийм юм хийх юмнууд ч багасна ш дээ --Чинээминий яриа 04:27, 16 Наймдугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

За, Цаашдаа тэгж байя оо.

Końskowola - Poland[кодоор засварлах]

Could you please write a stub http://mn.chped.com/wiki/Ko%C5%84skowola - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%84skowola ? Only 3-5 sentences enough. Please.

P.S. If You do that, please put interwiki link into english version. 123owca321 16:55, 16 Аравдугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

Сайн байна уу, Одоо Монгол Вики дээр шууд ж.нь [[Монгол]]ын гэж бичихээр Монголын гэж гардаг болсон учраас заавал хуучны маягаар бичих хэрэггүй болсон шүү. --Чинээминий яриа 15:38, 6 Гуравдугаар сар 2008 (UTC)[хариулах]

Намайг админы эрх авахад дэмжсэн явдалд баярлалаа. --ОригМонгол 14:33, 14 Есдүгээр сар 2008 (UTC)[хариулах]

Could you translate the article Шалом. There is already an article about Şalom, a Jewish weekly newspaper in Turkey, not in Mongolian but in English, but could you check it and translate it from the other Wikipedia language sites, if you have the time and patience to do so. The reason is that the newspaper Şalom is written (alas one page only) in a highly endangered language called Ladino or Judeo-Spanish, the Spanish of the 15th century. Perhaps this might gain your interest and sympathy.

Thank you.

Updating the logo for this wiki[кодоор засварлах]

New logo

Hello! As part of the update of Wikipedias logos to the new (2010) 3D puzzle globe version, we have noticed that your wiki's current logo is missing, outdated or with wrong translation. We are trying to help Wikipedias get a locally-adapted correct logo, by taking the technical difficulties on us, and in about a week from now we'll be replacing the current logo with the new one shown in this gallery, with explanation. If the translation is wrong, or there's another error in the new logo, or the community disagrees with the update, please update the list of logos or tell us on its talk. Feel free to translate this message and to move/copy/forward it where appropriate. Thanks, Nemo 12:47, 11 Гуравдугаар сар 2013 (UTC)[хариулах]

Your administrator status on the mnwiki[кодоор засварлах]

Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards. Linedwell (talk) 07:00, 16 Гуравдугаар сар 2017 (UTC)[хариулах]