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Хэрэглэгч:Tsogo3/Ноорог/Wikipedia:Өгүүллэг хэвлэхтэй холбоотой асуултууд

Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь

Editing FAQ

Энэ хуудас нь Википедиа дахь өгүүлэл хэвлэх, засварлахтай холбоотой тогтмол тавигддаг асуултууд, түүний хариултыг агуулсан хуудас болно. Энэ талаархи илүү дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл Тусламж хуудас дээр байгаа болно. Тусламж хуудасд доор дурьдсан сэдвүүд бий. Үүнд:

Өгүүлэлд яа өөрчлөлт хийх вэ?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Энэ амархан. Та Өгүүллийн дээд талд байгаа "засварлах" товч дээр дарснаар засвар хийх боломжтой болно. Хуудас яаж засварлах вэ? сэдвийг үзнэ үү.

But I have problems editing with my browser![засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

See Wikipedia:Browser notes.

Яаж линк хийх вэ?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Линк хийхийн тулд тухайн үгний гадна талд давхар дөрвөлжин хаалт([[ жишээ ]]) хийснээр линк үүсгэнэ. Доорхи жишээг үзнэ үү:
[[хуудасны нэр]] гэвэл хуудасны нэр
[[хуудасны нэр]]с -- үгийн дагаварыг хаалтны гадна талд хийвэл хуудасны нэрс
[[хуудасны нэр|үзэгдэх байдал]] -- гэвэл үзэгдэх байдал

Шинэ мөр яаж эхлүүлэх вэ?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Шинэ мөр (шинэ параграф) эхлүүлэхийн тулд Enter товчийг 2 дарна (хоосон мөр үлдээнэ гэсэн үг). Хэрэв шүлэг, дуу зэргээс ишлэл оруулах гэж буй бол энэ кодыг - <br/> ашиглаж болно.

Хуудсйг яаж шинээр (дахиж) нэрлэх вэ?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Бүртгэлтэй хэрэглгчид тухайн хуудсыг зөөж болно. Үүний тулд өгүүллийн дээд талд байх "Зөөх" товчийг дарж, тухайн хуудсыг шинэ гарчигтай болгоно. Тухайн хуудас дахь текстыг copy/pastе битгий хийгээрэй.
Зураг, болон медиа файлуудын нэрийг өөрчлөх боломжгүй тул зөвхөн тухайн файлыг өөрийн сомпютер дээрээ хуулж аваад, дараа нь дахин шинэ нэрээр аплоуд хийх хэрэгтэй болно.

Хуудас яаж утгах вэ?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Тухайн хуудасны агуулгыг битгий шууд устгаарай. Өөрөөр хэлбэл биитгий хоосон хуудас болгоорой. Түүний оронд {{Устга|(устгах шалтгаан)}} энэ кодыг тухайн хуудсанд хуулж тавиад шалгаанаа бичнэ үү. Админууд тэр хуудсыг устгах болно.

How do I edit a redirect page?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

The easiest way to edit the redirected page is to click on the link you see at the top of the page after being redirected: "redirected from ...". For example, if you try to go to the William Jefferson Clinton page, you are redirected to the Bill Clinton page. At the very top of that page, you will see a message: "(redirected from William Jefferson Clinton)", Click on the William Jefferson Clinton link, and you will edit the redirect page. See Redirect.

How long should the ideal article be?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Since one can link from page to page to page, how long should the ideal Wikipedia article be? A good rule of thumb would be less than 5000 words, unless the subject really, really needs much exposition. However, for a subject that is that complex, one can link several shorter articles together, using a hub page to tie all articles together.
For example:
History of Foo
Physical Description of Foo
Relationship with Bar
Modern Cultural Icons and Foo
Foo and You: Making it work in the long run
Minimum Foo-Tree, the Gidsy-David Algorithm.
If you write one long article, you will need new headlines anyway. If you write a long paragraph, then you need to add new linebreaks. The structure of Wikipedia is a web, instead of a text that you read linearly.
See m:Wiki is not paper for further discussion.

How do I figure out how big an article is?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Search results give the size, for example "Knot theory (3220 bytes)". If search is disabled, copy the content of the edit box into an editor, save it as a text file, and check the properties of the file. Some variation is possible depending on whether a new line takes one or two bytes.
When the article size reaches 32 KB, a warning is displayed at the top of the edit screen, as that size gives some Web browsers problems. It will likely give readers and editors problems as well.

What do I do when an article is too long?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

See Wikipedia:How to break up an article.

How do I determine what other users have changed in an article?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Wikipedia's software can produce a list of all the changes between two versions of an article (either between two consecutive versions, or between an old and the current version), laid out in two-columns side by side with changes highlighted (here's an example. From the Recent Changes page you can click the "diff" link; from an article page itself click "Page history", then "cur" or "last" to see changes.
To see the differences between two arbitrary versions of an article, see Wikipedia:URLs.

How do I convert Unicode characters to HTML special characters?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

  1. Edit the article just like you do UTF-8'd wiki sites.
  2. Then hit preview. You should get broken characters or mojibake, but don't delete them because they enable conversion of Unicode characters to HTML.
  3. While keeping broken characters, type articles. You probably want to copy the entire article before removing it then paste it after you get broken characters.
(see also Wikipedia:Special characters, in particular the section CJK characters)

How can I add pictures to pages?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

First, you need the right to publish the picture under the GNU Free Documentation License. This means that either you created the picture and therefore own the copyright, or it is in the public domain. If the picture is located on a server you control, you can refer to that image from your wiki page by simply including its URL, like this:
and it will be included. (Note it will only be linked, not displayed.) If instead you want to upload a picture to wikipedia.org, you can use special:upload as a logged-in user and once it is uploaded, you can refer to it in your wiki pages as above, by including its file name :[[image:NameOfImage.png|Alternate Text]].
See also Image use policy.

Аплоуд хийгдсэн файлыг би устгаж болох уу?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Зөвхөн Админууд файлыг устгаж чадна.

How do I describe images?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Click on the image to get the description page. Also, when you upload the file everything you put in the upload summary is placed into the image description page. See Image:Boat.jpg for an example of what goes onto one of these pages.

Are there any tools to make editing easier / faster / more fun?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

See Wikipedia:Tools for a list of such tools. Among other things, you can find browser plugins for faster editing and searching, and tools for HTML importing, and editing enhancements for the blind.

Яаж ишлэл авах вэ?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

See Гадаад холбоос, Ишлэл сэдвийг үзнэ үү.

Is there any way to see how many people have viewed a particular page?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Unfortunately, there is not. The servers that run the Internet store copies of Wikipedia in "web caches" to speed up access to the material. Since many viewings will be of the cached copies and not of Wikipedia directly, there is no way to count viewings, because Wikipedia does not have access to those servers (which are owned by many different companies). Also, Wikipedia is free for anyone to download and display, and therefore many websites, such as Answers.com, autonomously provide their users with Wikipedia articles (see mirrors).

The end of an article doesn't appear, although it's there in the edit screen. What happened?[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

This is normally due to a mistake in the markup for citing sources; look for a <ref> tag without a matching </ref> tag ('closing tag'), and add that closing tag in the appropriate place on the page.